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来源:北京印刷学院学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-16
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背景:神经系统解剖结构复杂,相关疾病种类繁多,手术难度大,风险高。它不仅要求医生将病变组织完整切除,还有避免术中对重要神经、血管及功能区造成损伤,因而临床上一直在探索定位准确、手术精度高的治疗方式及相关辅助手段。3D 打印是一种快速成型的技术,近年来发展迅猛,目前已经广泛应用于生物医学行业。

目的:综述3D 打印技术在神经外科常见疾病中的应用现状,并对应用前景进行展望。

方法:第一作者以关键词通过计算机检索中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据库、PubMed 和Web of Science 数据库,检索截止日期为2020年2月的人类研究。检索出相关文献385 篇,根据纳入与排除标准,并进行文献增补,最终纳入49 篇文献进行综述。

结果与结论:①在神经外科领域,3D 打印定制个体化植入物可用于修补颅骨缺损,所打印出的病变模型可用于畸形修复、脑血管病、颅底疾病及脊柱脊髓疾病手术的术前模拟,为个体化精准治疗提供依据;②同时模型可用于神经外科教育及术前宣教;③因此3D 打印技术在神经外科领域具有广阔的发展前景。


BACKGROUND:The nervous system has a complex anatomical structure,where various related diseases can operation on the nerve system is difficult with high are required to remove the diseased tissue completely,but not to damage important nerves,blood vessels and functional areas during the ,treatment methods and related auxiliary methods with accurate positioning and high surgical precision have been explored (3D) printing is a rapid prototyping technology that has developed rapidly in recent years and has been widely used in biomedical industry.

OBJECTIVE:To review the application status and prospect of 3D printing technology in neurosurgery.

METHODS:The first author of this paper searched CNKI,WanFang,PubMed and Web of Science databases by using key words through deadline for publications was February 2020.A total of 385 related articles were to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,49 articles were used for review after literature supplement.

文章来源:《北京印刷学院学报》 网址: http://www.bjysxyxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0316/663.html


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